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We understand that the staffing process can be daunting, but we are here to make it as easy as possible for you. We will work with you to understand your needs and then we will source, screen, and present the best candidates to you. We are confident that we can help you find the right candidate for your open position. We are committed to providing you with the best possible service and we are here to help you every step of the way. Our services include:

  • Recruitment: We help you identify your staffing needs and develop a recruiting plan to attract diverse talent. We have a network of diverse candidates and can help you reach them through a variety of channels.
  • Selection: We conduct interviews and select the best candidates for your open positions. We use a variety of assessment tools to ensure that we are selecting the most qualified and diverse candidates.
  • Onboarding: We help you onboard new employees and ensure they have a positive experience. We provide training on your company culture and values, as well as any specific job requirements.
  • Retention: We work with you to retain your diverse employees. We offer programs and resources to help employees feel valued and supported, and we work to create an inclusive workplace where everyone feels welcome.

We believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is essential for innovation and success. Our implementation services can help you create a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their background. Here are some of the benefits of working with NYSCC Implementation Services:

We customized to your needs. We tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your company.

  • We are committed to results. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your diversity and inclusion goals.
  • We have 5000+ New Yorkers in our database looking for a new career path in cannabis.

If you are interested in learning more about NYSCC Implementation Staffing Services, please contact us today. We would be happy to discuss your needs and how we can help you create a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

We can offer a variety of services to fit your needs.

  • Temporary staffing: This is a short-term solution that can be used to fill gaps in your workforce or to test out new hires.
  • Direct hire staffing: This is a long-term solution that allows you to hire candidates directly from our pool of qualified talent.
  • Recruitment services: We can help you find the right candidates for your open positions, regardless of your staffing needs.

Here are some additional details about our services:

  • We work specifically with the cannabis industry across all sectors.
  • We have a network of diverse candidates from all backgrounds and experiences and skill levels.
  • We use a variety of assessment tools to ensure that we are selecting the most qualified and diverse candidates.
  • We are developing a variety of training and development programs to help you onboard and streamline efficiency.
  • We are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels welcome.

We are confident that our staffing assistance services can help you create a more diverse and inclusive workforce. Contact us today to learn more. If you are serious about finding the best candidates for your open positions, then hiring NYSCC is a worthwhile investment.

Here are some additional things to consider when deciding whether or not to hire NYSCC:

  • The size of your company: If you are a small business, you may not have the time or resources to handle the hiring process on your own. In this case, hiring a recruiter can be a good option.
  • The urgency of your hiring need: If you need to fill a position quickly, hiring a recruiter can help you speed up the process.
  • The complexity of the position: If the position you are hiring for is complex or requires a lot of specialized skills, hiring a recruiter can help you find the best candidate for the job.

If you decide to use our implementation services we'll cover the following steps in the hiring process for you.

  1. Sourcing candidates: NYSCC will source candidates for your open positions. This can be done through a variety of channels, including on line job boards,. social media, and our network of contacts.
  2. Screening candidates: NYSCC will screen candidates to identify those who are the best fit for your open positions. This may involve reviewing resumes, conducting phone interviews, or scheduling in-person interviews. When necessary we'll conduct basic background checks.
  3. Presenting candidates: NYSCC will present the best candidates to you for your consideration. We'll provide you with profiles of each candidate, including their skills, experience, and salary expectations.
  4. Making an offer: NYSCC can help you make an offer to a candidate. We can also help you negotiate the offer and finalize the terms of employment.
  5. Onboarding: NYSCC can help you onboard new employees. We provide a paperwork package and support to help you get new employees get up to speed quickly.

Contact our team today to discuss your implementation needs in more detail.